Weekly Menus – Week Commencing 10th March
Please note the following changes to cafeteria times this week:
11/3 Dinner Service 18:00 – 18:45
14/3 Dinner Service 18:00 – 18:45
Here is some general information for everyone with exams in summer 2021.
Guide to getting through exams (pdf) – published by the Student Advice Service
If you are in a timezone where your exams fall during the night, please email tutorial@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk urgently. We will alert the Faculty to this, and they may be able to make an alternative arrangement. (NB this will not be possible in all cases.) If you have already informed your Faculty directly about this, you do not need to email Tutorial as well.
This is your anonymous candidate ID and you will need it for every exam. To find out your BGN, please look in your CamSIS self-service. If you are borrowing papers from another Tripos you may have different BGNs for different exams, so please check yours carefully.
If you have any in-person exams, there is a yellow Exam Confirmation Form in your pigeonhole. You should take it with you to all your in-person exams. It shows the date, time, venue, and your Blind Grade Number. If you have NOT received an Exam Confirmation Form in your pigeonhole despite having in-person exams, please email tutorial@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk ASAP.
If all your exams are online (Moodle or ProctorExam), you don’t have a form.
If you have been granted Exam Access Arrangements (e.g. extra time) for reasons of a disability or medical condition, you should have received your automated letter from Tutorial via email on Monday 10 May. If you believe you should have such Arrangements but have not received a letter from me, please email tutorial@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk ASAP. If you have in-person exams, there is a copy of the EAA letter with your Exam Confirmation Form.
Your Faculty should have sent you information about your exam timetable and the exact arrangements for each exam. For most courses you can check your exam timetable on your CamSIS self-service, and also online at the CambridgeStudents website. Please contact your Faculty if you have any questions about your timetable or other arrangements.
If you fall ill before an exam and are unable to take the exam, email Tutorial@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk and your Tutor, letting us know what happened. We will report this to the University exams team on your behalf. Please let us know whether you hope to sit your remaining exams, or whether you will still be too unwell.
If you fall ill during an exam and are unable to finish, upload or hand in all the work you have done, even if it is incomplete. Then email Tutorial@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk and your Tutor, letting us know what happened. We will report this to the University exams team on your behalf. Please let us know whether you hope to sit your remaining exams, or whether you will still be too unwell.
Please be aware that, for both technical and fairness reasons, College will not be informed this year if you fail to show up for an exam (online or in person).
You can check when the class list is due to be published for your subject at the CambridgeStudents website.
You can read all of this but in more detail in the University’s Guide to Examinations 2020/21.
And finally – GOOD LUCK! Do remember to look after yourself as well as you can during this period (eat / sleep / exercise / downtime), so that you’re in the best position to focus despite all the hurdles that everyone has faced this year.
Best wishes from all in the Tutorial Office
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