St Edmund’s is committed to promoting the growth and development of its students and will endeavour to support them to achieve their academic and personal aspirations, and in doing so contribute towards the College’s overall mission, vision and values.

The College has created a special Finance Panel to review applications for financial awards and assist students in times of special circumstances.

The panel meets fortnightly to discuss award applications and will provide an outcome within one week of the meeting.

Financial assistance is available to our currently registered students with the following awards:

Student Financial Assistance

Student Financial Assistance (Formally known as Hardship Award)

An award to provide financial assistance to students facing unexpected or severe hardship during their studies.

This award is open to all students providing that they are still registered as a student at the time of application. To be eligible, a student should be facing unanticipated and time-limited financial hardship which means that the hardship they face could not have been realistically expected or prepared for and is something that is not expected to continue beyond a few days/weeks.  The highest amount that can be awarded for Student Financial Assistance is £500.

This award is not intended to cover tuition fees or regular College bills or Catering Credit (formally KMB) reimbursement requests.  This award is not intended to cover increases in the cost of living, replacements or repair of technical equipment such as laptops or other peripherals.

These applications are means-tested and therefore will not be considered without a budget planner. Please also be advised that unless in very exceptional circumstances students will only be able to receive one financial assistance award per academic year.

You must also contact your tutor for a discussion before applying for financial assistance.  Applications will be rejected if your tutor has not been consulted.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact the Tutorial Office.

Required supporting documents for applications are listed below.  These documents must be attached to your application.  If you experience any issues with attaching the documents, please contact the Tutorial Office immediately.  Your application will be rejected if they are not attached.

  • Budget planner
  • Supporting evidence (such as invoices, quotes, receipts).  Please speak with your Tutor is see what evidence would be helpful.
  • If your application deals with a long-term lack of funding, you must include a financial plan to show how you will be funding the rest of your studies.

Application Link:  Student Financial Award Application

Student Educational Development Awards

Student Educational Development Awards (formally known as Travel Awards)

A financial award aiming to enable students to obtain opportunities for academic enrichment. This may include:

  • Short-term internships
  • Conference/Workshop/Congress attendance – whether presenting or not
  • Fieldwork or research trips that are not organised as part of a degree programme or considered a compulsory part of that degree programme.

To be eligible for this award you must be an active and registered student at the time of the proposed travel/conference/activity.

Applications must be made between two to four weeks prior to intended travel so that the Finance Panel can review in a timely manner.

Applications received after travel has taken place will rejected.

All applications must be approved by your Tutor.  Please ensure that you have discussed your application with them prior to submitting the application.

Should your application be accepted, you will be required to provide a report on the trip/activity for which the application was made.  Failure to provide this report will see the reward rescinded and added to your student account for repayment.

The maximum Student Education Development Award that can be granted is £500.  The amount awarded can be less than this amount but the amount awarded will depend on the application.

Required supporting documents for applications to be provided by the applicant are listed below.  Your application will be rejected if these documents are not attached.

  • Financial plan with estimated or actual costs related to activity, e.g. flights, accommodation, conference costs, etc.
    • please provide receipts or quotes clearly showing dates of travel to support your financial plan
    • if application is for participating at a conference/workshop/annual meeting please provide confirmation of your involvement from organisers.
  • Details of any departmental or external funding that you expect to receive by way of contribution.  If your department is not contributing to your travel, please explain why.
  • Supervisor or departmental letter that supports your application.

Application Link:  Student Education Development Award Application

Student Enrichment Awards

Student Enrichment Award (formally the Sports, Languages and Amenities Awards)

A financial award to provide funding to current students wishing to take up non-academic personal enrichment opportunities during their period of study at Cambridge who otherwise would not be able to afford to do so.

Please note that applications associated with rowing should be submitted directly to the St Edmund’s Boat Club under a separate process.

Applications are means tested.  A student’s personal financial circumstances are carefully considered as part of the review process.

All applications must be approved by your Tutor.  Please ensure that you have discussed your application with them prior to submitting the application.

Activities that would fall under this award could include:

  • Language studies (CULP)
  • Sports club memberships
  • Music lessons
  • Career advancement activities

The highest amount that can be awarded for the Student Enrichment Award would be £500.  Most awards are less than this amount.

Required supporting documents for applications are listed below.  Your application will be rejected if these documents are not attached.

  • Budget planner
  • Receipts or quotes for any memberships, expenses or course costs

Application Link:  Student Enrichment Award Application