Last updated: 2 March 2022

COVID-19 guidance following the UK Government’s removal of restrictions, March 2022

St Edmund’s College has no mandatory COVID-19 restrictions in place. In line with the national approach, we ask everyone to behave with consideration and personal responsibility.

If you develop COVID-19 symptoms or test positive

  1. Report positive tests to the NHS online
  2. Call College Reception on 01223 336250. Reception staff will do a welfare check – support for students with COVID-19 continues to be available.
  3. Report your result to the University’s COVID Helpdesk to help the University monitor any outbreaks.
  4. College accommodation: Reception staff will place a sign on your door; you should remove this after 10 days / after 5 days if you have tested negative for two consecutive days. The housekeepers and maintenance teams will not enter your room while you are positive.

Self-isolation if you have COVID-19

The law requiring people in England with COVID-19 to self-isolate has been removed. The Government emphasises the ongoing need for personal responsibility in the management of infection, and we strongly encourage anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 to follow Government advice on self-isolation, and minimise your risk of transmission to others.

College will continue to provide support for those isolating, whether you live in or out of College – download the appropriate guide:

Asymptomatic testing

The University asymptomatic testing programme has ended. Staff and students in higher education are no longer expected to take part in regular asymptomatic testing.

Face coverings

Wearing a face covering is encouraged but is a personal choice.

Hands – keep them clean!

There are hand gel stations at many points around College. Please use these freely, and wash your hands frequently.

Meetings, Events and Gathering – enjoy safely

Meetings and events can be organised as normal. It is the responsibility of meeting organisers to ensure that arrangements are suitable for those attending.


We are operating under normal College rules. This means that students can have a visitor stay for up to 3 nights; you MUST sign them in at Reception when they arrive, but you do not need to seek permission in advance. If you wish to have a visitor stay for longer than 3 nights, please email to request permission. Please note that loud noise and music should stop at 11.30pm, to allow those who wish to sleep to do so.